بنیاد خیریه ای نیکوکاری کود سبز
CodeGreenAfg Nekokari foundation

We believe that small acts of kindness can make a big impact in people's lives. That's why we're inviting you to be a part of our mission to provide support and relief to families in need in Afghanistan. With just a $10 donation, you can help provide a nourishing meal to a family that may not have had enough to eat otherwise.

Why Your Donations and Support Matters ?

Meal donation program

One unique way to use donations is to support our meal donation program. With just $10, we can provide a whole meal for a family in need in Afghanistan. By supporting this program, you can help alleviate hunger and provide essential sustenance to those who need it most.

Tech education initiatives

Donations can be used to support tech education initiatives that provide young people in Afghanistan with access to technology. These initiatives can help young people develop the skills they need to thrive in the digital economy and compete for jobs in the tech industry.

Youth entrepreneurship programs

Donations can be used to support youth entrepreneurship programs that help young people in Afghanistan. These programs can include training, mentorship, and resources that help young people develop business plans, pitch their ideas, and access funding.

Dialogue sessions

CodeGreenAfg also conducts dialogue sessions that bring together people from different backgrounds and perspectives to discuss issues and find common ground. Donations can help support these sessions and create opportunities for constructive dialogue and understanding.

Language exchange programs

Donations can be used to fund language exchange programs that connect young people in Afghanistan with peers in other countries. These programs can allow young people to practice their language skills, learn about other cultures, and build friendships with people from different backgrounds.

Leadership retreat:

Donations can be used to fund leadership retreats that provide girls in Afghanistan with opportunities to develop their leadership skills and build relationships with other girls. These retreats can include team-building activities, workshops on leadership skills, and opportunities for girls to work on projects together.