CodeGreenAfg events
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با این بخش از ویبسایت هدف ما فراهم ساختن محیطی خلاقانه برای آموزش و رشد است .

Our Activities

Nekokari for children Project

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Website development bootcamp

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Girls’ education advocacy

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Advocacy for afghan refugees in Pakistan

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Winning YCM Challenge

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Coding Python

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Our Upcoming Events

30 Apr
Creative writing challenge 12:00 to 13.30 Hrs
  1. write about something you love .
  2. Try to use your writing class principles
  3. Submit your article and win X Prize
12 May
Entrepreneurship program 1:00 to 4.30 Hrs during weekends
  1. Do you have any business idea ?
  2. Do you need support and mentorship ?
  3. then do not miss the chance .
11 Aug
International Dialogue about mental health 10:00 to 12.00 Hrs
  1. Scope is revised and updated
  2. Join the envent and meet people form all over the world .
  3. Received approval to start wire-frame